
Fibromyalgia sufferer changes to Brian Barr Solicitors and secures significant settlement

This case study was written thanks to the expertise of our team, including Alex Cohen, Philip Cohen, and Steven Akerman, leading experts in compensation claims for chronic pain and serious injury.

A 37-year-old self-employed mother was involved in two road accidents 10 months apart. Prior to the accidents she was physically fit, healthy and psychologically robust, and had no vulnerability to developing a chronic widespread pain condition.

The first accident caused her soft tissue injuries to her spine and knees, along with headaches, sleeping difficulties and reduced concentration. She attempted to return to work but after a week was unable to cope. Despite making no improvement she was later forced through financial desperation to return to work. She developed symptoms of fibromyalgia, characterised by chronic widespread pain and somatic symptoms such as mood disorder, fatigue, sleep disturbance and cognitive dysfunction, and became significantly disable.

The second accident 10 months later was more serious and frightening than the first and she suffered an acute exacerbation to her chronic widespread pain symptoms, developed post-traumatic stress disorder and went on to develop severe anxiety, depression and non-organic seizures.

6 years after the first accident, she suffers enduring symptoms of disabling fibromyalgia, together with residual symptoms of depression and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. She will require assistance on an indefinite basis including personal care, transportation and outdoor mobility, medication monitoring, emotional reassurance, domestic assistance and childcare.

She felt that the solicitors she had instructed had no experience or specialist knowledge of fibromyalgia. She tried to change solicitors but other solicitors refused to take her case due to it’s complexity. Fortunately she then found Brian Barr Solicitors and with the help of specialist solicitors, she received a significant million pound settlement, enabling her to get the care she needs daily and to live a life not having to worry financially.

To learn more about our success stories, and get the legal support of leading specialists in the field, call us on 0161 737 9248.


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