Legal Advice For Chronic Pain Injury Compensation Claims
Brian Barr Solicitors can help you get the chronic pain syndrome compensation you deserve

Chronic Pain Compensation Claims

A Chronic Pain Claim is a legal process to ensure you can get back on your feet if you have been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition. The experienced team at Brian Barr specialises in Chronic Pain Compensation Claims, and we have an excellent track record of success.

We are dedicated to building strong relationships with our clients and we work hard to ensure every one of them receives the compensation they deserve. 

If you are looking to start a Chronic Pain Claim, contact Brian Barr Solicitors today.

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Why pursue a Chronic Pain Claim?

Appearances can be very deceptive. Chronic pain and other invisible illnesses may cause sufferers to look healthy on the outside, but inside they are living with a daily battle of persistent pain and fatigue, making day-to-day activities such as working, socialising, and taking care of themselves, sometimes impossible.

If you suffer from chronic pain that was caused by someone else’s negligence, our experts can help you. Brian Barr Solicitors have first-hand experience of chronic pain syndrome and understand what it is like to live with an invisible illness.

We know that it is not just the physical aspects of chronic pain, but the depression, anxiety, brain fog and trouble sleeping that is associated with this illness. We know there can be good days and bad days. And often a good day triggers a bad day by overdoing things on a day when you feel better.

With a 97% compensation claims success rate, Brian Barr’s Chronic Pain Solicitors can help to get you back on track by getting you the compensation you deserve

No Win No Fee Chronic Pain Claims

What triggers Chronic Pain Syndrome?

When it comes to chronic pain syndrome, there is no universal definition, but it is often explained as pain that has persisted for longer than 12 weeks, or beyond what would be expected to have been a normal healing period.

The term ‘chronic pain syndrome’ is an umbrella term used to define long-term pain which can arise from a variety of different sources. One of the most common triggers of chronic pain disorder is an injury where the pain lingers after the initial physical damage has healed – with no obvious cause.

In some circumstances, the symptoms of chronic pain syndrome do not arise until a long time after the injury has occurred, which can prove confusing and frustrating for both the patient and medical professionals alike.

In many cases of chronic pain syndrome, pain relieving drugs are prescribed in order to manage the pain, however, this can cause some undesirable side effects for the patient, such as drowsiness, dizziness or digestive problems. This forces many sufferers to turn to alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, reiki and mindfulness techniques in order to alleviate the pain.

How to Claim Compensation for Chronic Pain.

If you’re looking to make a Chronic Pain Claim, you will need to be able to prove that your injury was caused by another’s negligence. The guilty party should also owe you a duty of care for you to make a compensation claim for chronic pain.

The value of your chronic pain compensation payout will depend on the severity of your symptoms and the long-term effects it has had on your working capabilities and need for care. When making a claim, medical experts will be instructed to assess your symptoms and advise on the effects you suffered.

You may also need to consider any time limits that may apply to your claim. Compensation claims will generally need to have begun within three years of knowledge of the negligent act or initial injury that caused your chronic pain condition. However, the courts do have discretion to allow late claims in some circumstances.

How much compensation can I claim for Chronic Pain?

The value of your chronic pain compensation claim will depend on how the injury has affected your life, working capabilities, and your need for care and assistance, both in the short-term and long-term – meaning compensation can vary greatly from case to case.

Claims are calculated on a case-by-case basis. For example, a young person in a high-paying job who will never be able to return to work will receive a higher award of damages for the significant long-term impact on their life.

However, if a more senior person who is close to retirement in a low-paying job was to claim, they will receive a lower award of damages for the same injury, due to the fact that their life will be impacted for a shorter amount of time.

This case-by-case evaluation makes it difficult to estimate a compensation payout for chronic pain. However, if your injury has had a severe, long-term impact, then you can expect to receive a significant amount of compensation and Brian Barr’s Chronic Pain Solicitors have been successful in obtaining clients six and seven figure sums of compensation.

How Brian Barr Solicitors can help you

If your chronic pain was triggered or made worse by an accident or trauma or if your previous solicitor advised you to settle for too little, you may be entitled to compensation. As specialist chronic pain injury lawyers, we will act on your behalf to handle your case in a caring and professional manner to ensure you receive maximum compensation. We know how hard it can be to prove an invisible illness and work with the best medical specialists – from rheumatologists to neurologists to psychiatrists – to build a case for you.

In the early stages, it’s important to make sure you receive all the answers to your questions, so you fully understand the complications associated with bringing a claim. It’s also imperative that your solicitor understands both you and your condition well, so they’re able to provide sound legal advice throughout.

We will aim to take your case on a No Win No Fee basis, which means you will not be liable for any fees if your claim is unsuccessful. If we are successful in pursuing compensation for your chronic pain case, we will charge what is known as a success fee. The percentage of the total compensation amount we can charge will be agreed upon at the start of the process, so you will never have any surprises.

To start your compensation claim process, get in touch with our expert legal team by calling us for free, or click here and fill in your details to arrange a callback.

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How is Chronic Pain managed?

Once again, there is a wide variation in how chronic pain is treated, partly because it can arise from a number of different causes. The degree of pain being suffered may also fluctuate on a daily basis, or it may be more constant.

Conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome are often met with scepticism and sufferers can face accusations of malingering. Even once diagnosed, the protocols for treating the conditions are not as well established as other diseases and less is known about the likely progression or evolution.

For any kind of chronic pain, the overall treatment can depend heavily on the medical team, with far more disparity in the regimes than in other areas of medicine.

The extent of the distress and suffering being caused by chronic pain can vary widely from person to person. For those at the more severe end, it can be difficult to get the degree of suffering taken seriously, often being labelled as being overly-sensitive, or even worse, exaggerating their symptoms.

It’s also important to understand that pain rarely occurs in isolation.


Symptoms can include:

  • sleep difficulties
  • fatigue
  • lethargy
  • muscular aches
  • reduced stamina, and
  • mood changes such as depression and anxiety.

When faced with the emotional toll of dealing with chronic pain it’s perhaps not surprising that many people suffer related psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. These conditions by themselves can be extremely disabling but when coupled with pain, they can be extremely incapacitating, affecting not just the ability to work but also personal relationships and family life.

What are the types of Chronic Pain?

There are lots of different possible causes for pain, but it’s even more complicated than that. There are many different categories and types of pain, and it’s essential to understand the nature of the pain in order to treat it effectively.

  • Neuropathic pain relates to the nerves, with pressure being put on one or a group of nerves, which in turn sends pain messages to the brain.
  • Nociceptive pain describes tissue damage and inflammation, such as being kicked or having a swollen knee.

Neuropathic and nociceptive are two of the main categories of pain but there are many others too.

  • Idiopathic pain is one which has persisted for a period exceeding six months and for which doctors can find no cause.
  • Allodynia is a symptom which can often arise in conditions such as fibromyalgia and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and refers to the sensation of pain being caused by stimuli which wouldn’t normally be painful.

Pain normally arises in the body as a result of a warning from your nervous system designed to protect against harm, alerting to the presence of something which needs to be dealt with. Although the sensation is unpleasant, acute pain is useful because it serves a purpose. The signals travel through the special nerve fibres to the brain where transmitters ensure the pain message arrives at the right destination.

Chronic pain is rather different and appears to be caused by what can best be described as a short circuit in the body’s wiring. Pain signals are triggered and sent through the fibres for no apparent reason, with transmitters in the brain helping to amplify the effect.

As the pain signals pass through the emotion and mood centres in the brain, there’s an interaction with low mood somehow worsening the signals and creating more transmitters to pass the message along.

Chronic pain disorder, therefore, arises in the body but can be worsened by transmitters in the brain, including those responsible for mood and emotions, creating a very undesirable result.

Unlike acute pain, chronic pain signals serve no useful purpose and rather than alerting to a danger appear to simply be a malfunction in the bodily system. Unfortunately, as yet, doctors are not able to rectify the “short circuit” and are limited to simply trying to manage the symptoms, hoping they will ultimately burn out and disappear.

Success Stories from Brian Barr Solicitors

Read more about how we support client throughout the UK to claim compensation for their injuries or chronic pain conditions. Brian Barr Solicitors consistently achieves great results and high compensation amounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

There’s no universal definition of chronic pain syndrome, but, generally speaking, chronic pain is distinguished as pain which has persisted over 12 weeks beyond what a regular healing period could generally be expected to last.

Chronic pain syndrome is an umbrella term used to capture long-term pain which arises from a variety of sources, being caused by both known and unknown triggers.

In some cases, the pain can be attributed to known causes, such as nerve pain related to diabetes or the musculoskeletal pain associated with osteoarthritis.The pain may be related to something which was understandable at first, such as post-operative pain, but has now extended beyond what would normally be expected, with no obvious cause creating the persistent discomfort.

There’s also pain which arises out of the blue, and presents with pain as the primary symptom, rather than tagging along as a complication of another condition. These pain syndromes are complex and extremely difficult to treat, with medical science not yet properly equipped to either diagnose or manage the conditions effectively.

Pain is exhausting to deal with and managing it on a long-term basis is hard for an individual to have to face. Fatigue, emotional distress and depression therefore often accompany chronic pain disorder, as the person battles to constantly deal with their symptoms.

DISCLAIMER: The above information should not be used to substitute for medical advice and is provided for the purposes of guidance only. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms or conditions described, medical attention from a qualified professional should be sought immediately.

Pain can be an alarming and distressing symptom, overwhelming daily life and disrupting an individual’s ability to function on even the most basic level. Chronic pain syndrome sufferers are often forced to deal with these symptoms on a daily basis, and with no immediate resolution in sight, it can be simply exhausting. Some of the causes of chronic pain syndrome include:

  • Injury – A common trigger of chronic pain disorder is an injury, for example caused by a road accident or a fall. However, long after the initial physical damage has healed, the pain lingers on with no obvious cause. In some circumstances, the onset of chronic pain syndrome does not begin until sometime after the injury has occurred which can prove confusing for the patient and medical professionals alike.
  • Diagnosed conditions – There’s a myriad of conditions which can cause chronic pain, such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and lupus, and it’s also possible to suffer persisting pain following surgery too.
  • No identifiable trigger – There are a number of conditions where there’s no obvious trigger or cause, and pain itself is the primary presenting symptom (rather than accompanying restricted movement as in back pain, for example).


Pain is an invisible illness and in many cases patients with this kind of chronic pain face accusations of malingering, either spoken or unspoken, and a lack of understanding from their peers, friends, family and sometimes even their doctors.

At Brian Barr, we understand chronic pain and we work with specialist medical professionals whose understanding of chronic pain is second to none. This means we can build a case for you to ensure that we can prove your condition and that it was due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, and ultimately we will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Some of the conditions which give rise to chronic pain include but aren’t limited to fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, headaches, Post Whiplash Injury Syndrome and Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Chronic pain is not an imaginary condition. Dealing with any kind of pain on a chronic basis is simply exhausting; both physically and emotionally so a number of individuals go on to develop related psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Living with chronic pain syndrome can be exhausting and completely dominate each and every day so managing it effectively is a priority. The treatment prescribed for chronic pain will partly depend on the underlying cause, and the individual’s doctor’s own preferred regime, but tend to include:


  • Pain relieving medication – analgesia, or painkillers as they are often referred to, are often the first line of attack in treating chronic pain syndrome but they may only have a limited effect.


  • NSAIDs – Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs – are a common type of painkiller, some of which can be purchased over the counter, such as Ibuprofen. These work in the body by blocking the effects of a particular group of enzymes which contribute to the production of both pain and inflammation. This is why NSAIDs can help not just with the management of pain, but also the reduction of inflammation too.


  • Paracetamol is a surprisingly powerful drug when taken on a regular basis and is believed to work by blocking another enzyme in the central nervous system. It can help to lower high temperatures but has no effect on inflammation.


  • Opioids are an extremely powerful type of medication and work by binding to receptors and decreasing a body’s reaction to pain and increasing tolerance levels. Codeine and Tramadol are two types of opioid painkiller often used.


  • Other drugs – depending on the cause of pain, the doctor may opt to try a different type of drug, other than traditional analgesia to try and relieve the pain. For example anticonvulsants are frequently used, with drugs such as gabapentin and carbamazepine prescribed with a reasonable degree of success. Triptans can be used, particularly for chronic pain disorder caused by cluster headaches or migraines, and work by changing the actions of serotonin in the brain which can prevent the release of other pain-causing chemicals in the body.


  • Antidepressants – another type of common treatment is antidepressants, particularly tricyclics such as Amitriptyline. These work on the neural transmitters and prevent pain messages being sent, by stopping the reabsorption of key chemicals in the nervous system.


  • Alternative therapies – acupuncture for example can be used to manage Chronic Pain. Yoga, breathing techniques and meditation can all be effective too.


  • Low impact exercise can help with chronic pain, as the movement can trigger the release of feel-good endorphins such as dopamine, which can result in improved tolerance for pain. The exercise can also help to alleviate stiffness and pain caused by a lack of movement in the joints. Cycling, swimming and walking are all good ways to start.

Fibromyalgia (FM) causes widespread pain and extreme fatigue. The condition affects people of all ages, particularly those between the ages of 30 and 50-years-old. Much like other chronic pain conditions, fibromyalgia is notoriously difficult to diagnose as no one test can confirm a diagnosis, and many other syndromes show similar symptoms.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is known for causing intense pain, predominantly burning pain, skin discolouration, and sensitivity to touch. The symptoms greatly vary, which is why the condition is particularly hard to diagnose.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) causes overwhelming fatigue, as well as mental fogginess, muscle pain, and problems with concentration. Chronic fatigue syndrome is made worse by physical and mental activity, but cannot be improved with rest.

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a painful disease that affects the spine, joints, tendons, and ligaments. AS affects 1-in-200 men and 1-in-500 women, and is most common in people in their late teens and twenties.

If your chronic pain was triggered or made worse by an accident or trauma or if your previous solicitor advised you to settle for too little, you may be entitled to compensation. As successful chronic pain solicitors, we will act on your behalf to handle your case in a caring and professional manner to ensure you receive maximum compensation.


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