
5 Top Fibromyalgia Blogs


This blog was written thanks to the expertise of our team, including Alex Cohen, Philip Cohen and Steven Akerman, leading experts in compensation claims for chronic pain and serious injury.

Suffering from fibromyalgia can be an isolating experience but, if you do suffer from the illness, it’s important to remember that you are in very good company.  The internet is full of helpful websites (including those of national organisations) that can act as a great resource when seeking advice, support and general information:

Another great resource made freely available on the internet are the hundreds of blogs created by fellow fibromyalgia patients. Over the past few years, blogging has become an increasingly popular means for individuals to share their advice and experiences with a wide audience.  We have listed five great blogs that focus on differing aspects of fibromyalgia, to give you a taster:

Fibro and Fabulous

We love the sentiment behind this wonderful blog by seasoned writer Kimberly Linstruth-Beckom. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2005, Kimberly has been determined not to let it get the better of her and her general fabulousness – and she wants you to feel the same! Describing both her highs and lows: this blog balances an open and honest style of writing, with an upbeat outlook.

My Foggy Brain

Fibro sufferer Tamiko Arbuckle speaks candidly about her experiences of her fibromyalgia condition, including moments of associated depression, stating:

“I created this blog to share my experience with fibromyalgia, depression and various other fun things I have been diagnosed with over the years… my ups, my downs, my doctor visits, what I learn and what I recommend.”

Dawn Fibro Blah Blah Blog

Described by blogger Dawn as her: journey through Fibromyalgia, Adrenal fatigue, TMJ, CFS, Hyperacusis, Misophonia, Hypothyroid, Pulsatile Tinnitus, and all the joys that come along with it..”.

This informative blog covers a range of topics relating to fibromyalgia, from personal reflections, quirky exercise ideas to creative inspiration. Well worth checking out.

Mummy whisperer blog

“Do you find yourself exhausted? Are you sometimes so tired you can’t even look at a problem, let alone do anything about it? Do you take your frustration out on the kids and end up shouting at them? Are you terrified of disappearing into the grey banality of suburban motherhood?”

If this sounds familiar, and you are a parent that suffers from fibromyalgia, then this is the blog for you! Covering a wide range of topics to help you to understand and better deal with the illness: blogger, Lisa Pearson, has also created a handy Pinterest board to compliment her writing.

Cranky Fibro Girl

If you are interested in reading a frank account of coping with fibromyalgia from the perspective of a fellow sufferer, then check out Jenny Ryan’s Cranky Fibro Girl blog:

“I believe that Cranky Fibro Girl showed up to remind me of the most powerful tool I have to deal with my illness: my voice. It’s composed of the ability to find the humor in any situation, a slightly offbeat view of the world, and a healthy dose of sarcasm, topped off with just the right amount of edge. Or in other words, snark.”

Well written, humorous and refreshingly honest, this blog shares a delightful mixture of personal stories that are full of inspiration, regardless of the author’s highs and lows.

Once you have checked out the links above, there are plenty more to discover by googling “fibromyalgia + blogs”.  Be sure to let us know if you stumble across a new favourite.

If you find this form of sharing helpful in dealing with your fibromyalgia condition, why not consider putting together a blog of your own?  There are a number of free and user-friendly blogging platforms online that can enable you to share your own stories with the world.  You have probably already heard of some of the more popular ones, such as WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr, and there’s a review of a few more here.  Blogging can be a great way to feel connected to a wider support network; as well as sharing your experiences, helpful advice/information or just venting a few of your own concerns!

Have you written a blog about fibromyalgia, or are you inspired to do so?  Be sure to share the link with us, or let us know about any great blogs that you have discovered on the subject.

We do not endorse any research, studies or sources mentioned within our blogs and comments. Furthermore, we do not endorse any medical advice provided, and would strongly recommend anyone seeking medical advice to contact their local healthcare provider.

To learn more about our success stories, and get the legal support of leading specialists in the field, call us on 0161 737 9248.

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Picture of Steven Akerman

Steven Akerman

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Alex Cohen

Alex Cohen

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Philip Cohen

Philip Cohen

Director, Brian Barr

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