
Coping with Fibromyalgia at work


This blog was written thanks to the expertise of our team, including Alex Cohen, Philip Cohen and Steven Akerman, leading experts in compensation claims for chronic pain and serious injury.

Whether or not to work while suffering from Fibromyalgia is a very personal decision and will depend on the individual who suffers from the condition. Symptoms of fibromyalgia such as headaches, fatigue and chronic pain can make it very difficult to continue working.

If you do decide to carry on working, there are some tips and techniques you can use to make your time spent working easier to deal with. This article is provided by Brian Barr Solicitors as a point of interest and to help keep you up-to-date with news and information about fibromyalgia. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your health, please consult your doctor or local GP.

Create a daily routine which works for you

If you are finding that your daily routine at work is making your symptoms worse, speak with your employer to see if you can create a work routine which will help you cope with your symptoms. Having a routine which works for you will likely mean you enjoy work more, and are more productive while working, making it beneficial for both you and your employer.

Ask for a flexible working schedule

To help deal with your pain and flare ups, ask your employer if you can have a flexible working schedule which will allow you to work around your pain. Speak to your employer about the possibility of working from home when your pain increases. This will help you to cope better with the pain, while still being able to work in some capacity.

Take time to rest at work

It is important that you do not create unnecessary stress while at work by not taking time to relax. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day to give you some time to relax and unwind. Even as little as 10 minutes away from your desk will help you unwind and re-focus.

Create a good working environment

If your office is humid or clammy, it could be contributing to your chronic pain. If this applies to you, getting a desk fan or asking to sit close to an open window could go some way to helping cope with your symptoms.

Also ensure that the chair you are sitting in is as comfortable as possible, there are options such as back supports which could potentially help to reduce your pain. Switching positions at regular intervals has also been shown to help.

Create a to-do list to help prioritise your work

Creating a do-to list will help you to focus on what is important at work, so you can get more done in the time you have available. Having a to-do list will help keep you away from unwanted distractions and keep you as productive as possible while working.

If you suffer with fibromyalgia as a result of an accident or injury, you could be entitled to compensation. To find out more about whether or not you have a claim, get in touch with our expert team.

This blog is for information purposes only. Whilst we aim to be accurate with the information provided, any advice, particularly medical, should not be acted upon without consulting with a relevant professional.

To learn more about our success stories, and get the legal support of leading specialists in the field, call us on 0161 737 9248.

Meet the team

Picture of Steven Akerman

Steven Akerman

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Alex Cohen

Alex Cohen

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Philip Cohen

Philip Cohen

Director, Brian Barr

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