
Fibromyalgia & Hormonal Imbalance


This blog was written thanks to the expertise of our team, including Alex Cohen, Philip Cohen and Steven Akerman, leading experts in compensation claims for chronic pain and serious injury.

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common diseases affecting the muscles, tendons, and joints in women. It is difficult to detect fibromyalgia, despite its commonality, with no set diagnostic protocol and its likeliness to coexist with other conditions. Further complicating the process, is the fact fibromyalgia symptoms are inconsistent and can fluctuate with seasonal changes and hormonal shifts. As mentioned in the article posted earlier this month, fibromyalgia is regularly first detected in women during a major hormonal change like puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Considering this connection, we’ve taken a look into the various ways fibromyalgia patients can balance their hormones to keep symptoms at bay.

Hormonal replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves boosting decreasing levels of the female reproductive hormones. Medical evidence suggests replenishing oestrogen and progesterone hormones in fibromyalgia patients may help relieve symptoms. One reason tied to this theory, is magnesium utilisation is increased by the presence of oestrogen. As we’ve previously reported, women with fibromyalgia lack magnesium, a vital mineral supporting a healthy immune system. Signs of magnesium deficiency are muscle soreness and tension, poor sleep, migraine headaches, anxiety, hyperactivity, and constipation – all symptoms common in fibromyalgia. In addition, research shows oestrogen’s are beneficial for skeletal muscle function and strength. This is affirmed by physicians, comparing cases involving patients with decreasing amounts of female hormones to those with ideal levels, concluding women with hormone deficiencies sustain greater injuries and requiring more time to recover.

If you’re considering HRT, it’s important to consult with medical professional to determine the best course of action for you. A physician will need to review your medical history and assess the risks involved to create a personalised approach. Keep in mind, there’s no standard method of HRT and treatment regimens vary. Below is a list of the current approaches:

  • Tablets, usually taken once per day, are the simplest and most commonly used way of taking HRT. Blood clots are a higher risk with tablets compared to other forms of HRT.
  • Skin patches, also common, provide an alternative option for people looking to avoid the inconvenience of taking a pill every day. Patches are to be stuck on your skin and replaced every few days. Side effects from HRT, such as indigestion, are reported to be less in patients using patches. And, unlike tablets, patches don’t increase your risk of blood clots.
  • Oestrogen gel, applied once per day, is increasing in popularity and provides a convenient way of taking HRT. Oestrogen gel won’t increase your risk of blood clots but there is a risk of developing womb cancer, so you may be required to use it in combination with another method of HRT.
  • Implants can be inserted under a patient’s skin to gradually release hormones over time. The small pellet-sized implant needs replacing every few of months. Implants are the most convenient method of HRT, yet aren’t widely available or used very often. Like, oestrogen gel, you may be subject to a combination of HRT in order to avoid the risk of womb cancer.
  • Vaginal oestrogen, available as a cream, pessary or ring, is placed inside the patient’s vagina. The risks and side effects involved in HRT are less with this method.

Depending on your condition and goals for wanting to try HRT, the doctor may recommend another form of modern or traditional medication. It’s also possible to balance hormones naturally by developing healthy lifestyle habits, such as altering your diet, to include key minerals and vitamins, incorporating low impact exercises and developing a sleeping pattern. Have you attempted to balance your hormones to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms? Reach out to us on social media, Twitter or Facebook, to let us know about your experience.

We do not endorse any research, studies or sources mentioned within our blogs and comments. Furthermore, we do not endorse any medical advice provided, and would strongly recommend anyone seeking medical advice to contact their local healthcare provider.

To learn more about our success stories, and get the legal support of leading specialists in the field, call us on 0161 737 9248.

Meet the team

Picture of Steven Akerman

Steven Akerman

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Alex Cohen

Alex Cohen

Personal Injury Solicitor &
Director, Brian Barr

Picture of Philip Cohen

Philip Cohen

Director, Brian Barr

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